Why choose a CISI qualification?

Our world-renowned qualifications are designed by senior practitioners to help you meet the requirements of markets and regulators across the globe and achieve core competence for your job requirements. With our flexible study pathways, you can gain a competitive edge over your peers, whether you are starting your career or becoming a specialist.

Our world-renowned financial services qualifications can help you meet the requirements of regulators worldwide and achieve the core competencies necessary in today's world.

Our study pathways, designed with senior industry practitioners, give you the flexibility to learn in a way that suits you. Whether you're just starting your career, looking to progress to a more specialist role, or simply looking to build an international career, a CISI qualification can support your career ambitions.

When you choose to study with us, whether that's self-studying or formal training with one of our Accredited Training Partners (ATP), we want you to know that we are with you every step of the way.

Once you book your CISI exam, you'll have access to our first-class learning resources to help you successfully prepare for your exam.


Ebook or Workbook

Control your learning experience with an interactive ebook or printed workbook

Revision Express

Reaffirm your knowledge with sample exam questions on Revision Express1

Student Membership

Enjoy 12-months of free Student membership when you book an exam

Accredited Training

Receive formal training through one of our Accredited Training Partners (ATP)

Choose your next step


Gain specialist knowledge and expertise to progress your career in investment operations

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Wealth Management

Gain specialist knowledge and expertise to progress your career in wealth management

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Compliance & Risk

Gain specialist knowledge and expertise to progress your career in compliance and risk

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Capital Markets & Corporate Finance

Gain specialist knowledge and expertise to progress your career in capital markets and corporate finance

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Islamic Finance

Gain specialist knowledge and expertise to progress your career in Islamic finance

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Financial Planning

Gain specialist knowledge and expertise to progress your career in Financial Planning

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Green, Sustainable & Responsible Finance

The CISI with our Chartered Body Alliance partners have developed a new pathway for those working in financial services to ensure they meet the evolving needs of their clients.

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Important qualification information


Our full suite of examinations

View our full qualifications structure or use our qualifications navigator which provides a guide to professional job roles and appropriate CISI qualifications.

If you already know which exam you wish to take please select it below:


Exam Details

Pass Mark / Pass Rate

The current pass rate for this exam is and the pass mark is . The exam grades are as follows:

RQF Credits

credits on the Regulated Qualifications Framework are awarded upon successfully passing this exam

Exam Availability

Policies & Procedures

Please ensure you have familiarised yourself with our examination policies & procedures before booking your exam.

Regulated Awarding Organisation status

The CISI is recognised as an awarding organisation by the qualifications regulators in England, Wales and Northern Ireland (Ofqual, Qualifications Wales and CCEA respectively).

Many of our qualifications are regulated in nature. The 'Level' within a qualification’s title identifies it as being regulated and also its specific position within the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). The RQF is for qualifications with formally regulated status offered in England and Northern Ireland (a closely similar system is in operation for Wales, with equivalent levels).

For further information regarding the RQF, including comparisons with qualification levels from other countries, refer to the UK government website here.

'Total Qualification Time' (TQT) is an estimate of the total time commitment that could reasonably be expected for a learner to complete the qualification - essentially, this consists of time spent in training and/or private study and any examinations or assignments.

European Qualifications Framework

Many of the CISI’s qualifications are regulated as part of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). The RQF is for qualifications with formally regulated status offered in England and Northern Ireland (a closely similar system is in operation for Wales, with equivalent levels).

The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) is a common European reference framework. It helps individuals, employers and other organisations compare qualifications across different European countries.

A simple comparison of RQF vs EQF levels is provided below.

RQF Level E1 E2 E3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
EQF Level - - 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8

For a description of the EQF levels, and to find out where the types of qualifications offered in different European countries sit within the EQF, please refer to the European Commission website here.


Qualifications and the FCA/PRA

Investment firms regulated by The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and/or the Prudential Regulatory Authority are required to employ staff who are competent [FCA / PRA Handbooks SYSC 3.1.6 R]. For many job functions, staff are expected to hold a relevant qualification outlined in the FCA's  Appropriate Qualifications Tables for staff dealing with retail clients.

How the CISI ensures its qualifications are fit for purpose

To ensure qualifications are fit for purpose, the CISI obtains input from employers, trade bodies, training providers, the sector skills council (the Financial & Legal Skills Partnership) and other stakeholders in all stages of the development and assessment of qualifications.

A panel of key stakeholders is appointed for each of the Institute’s exams. Each panel provides guidance on the development of each unit and meets at least biannually to review the syllabus and assessment content to ensure continued fitness for purpose.

Each panel reports to the Qualification Assessment Board (QAB) for the relevant qualification, which consists of senior representatives of each panel within the qualification. Each QAB subsequently reports to the Examinations Board (EB).

Find out more

What is MiFID II and how will it affect you or your firm?

Find information to help you or your firm fulfil the obligations set out under Articles 24 & 25 of MiFID II which come into effect in January 2018.

Find out more

CAUTION: Please be cautious of companies purporting to sell CISI exams or training courses who are not one of our accredited training partners. To check who we accredit please see our list of ATPs or book directly through our website. If in doubt call our Customer Support who will be happy to help: +44 (0)207 645 0777.