Why do I need to complete Ethics CPD?
With their specialist knowledge and skills, financial services professionals have access to privileged and very often
confidential information about their clients. As a result, they are expected to act in the customers’ best interest
and are held to high standards of ethical behaviour.
By signing up to the CISI Code of Conduct you demonstrate your commitment to these high standards.
The CISI Code of Conduct includes eight principles and a checklist to help you identify if the choices you make are
honest, open, transparent and fair. An ethics CPD activity should therefore focus on how these principles might be
applied, using relevant scenario-based content that will provoke thought and create a dilemma where the most ethical
solution is sought after.
Ethics is all about ‘doing the right thing’. By dedicating 10% of your allocated CPD target to developing and
maintaining your ethical awareness and skills, you will be better equipped to manage dilemmas which arise whilst
working as a financial services professional as well as developing an understanding of relevant topics and issues.