Managing Up

Oct 09, 2018
‘Managing up’ is a concept that can be important for many roles within a business, but it’s vitally important for anyone managing a business on behalf of an owner. Lots of practice managers would fit this description. The same goes for a Chief Exec reporting to a board.

Tips From The Coalface, October 2018

‘Managing up’ is a concept that can be important for many roles within a business, but it’s vitally important for anyone managing a business on behalf of an owner. Lots of practice managers would fit this description. The same goes for a Chief Exec reporting to a board.

Here are some tips for managing up:

  1. Recognise there will always be someone you need to keep informed about progress - The good work you are doing might not be easy to notice, so don’t be afraid to be your own bearer of good news on a weekly basis.
  2. Whatever your message, you need to say it all the time, repeatedly, forever - That applies to both the staff you manage and the leaders or owners you report to. Values, direction, the mission; whatever it is, say it over and over again.
  3. After you explain a situation or decision you’ve made and the owner has asked clarification questions, ask them: “What have you heard?” - Let them explain in their own words what they’ve heard you say. Be prepared for the fact that sometimes they haven’t heard what you said, but what they think you meant. Make sure they’re clear.
  4. In all likelihood you are making great decisions - If you have to dig in occasionally after exhausting this arsenal of managing-up techniques, then so be it. Dig in and back yourself.


Brett Davidson
When you work with FP Advance you work with me, Brett Davidson, directly.
My motto is ‘advise better, live better’ and I practice what I preach. I'm straight talking and get to the heart of an issue quickly.
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