It’s All In the Planning

Dec 07, 2017
In my courses and consulting work I spend time teaching business owners and advisers how to plan their week and plan their days. It might sound like something everyone should know. Yet...

Tips From The Coalface, December 2017

In my courses and consulting work I spend time teaching business owners and advisers how to plan their week and plan their days.

It might sound like something everyone should know. Yet most people I work with operate like I did for years; just working away at an endless to do list. Unsurprisingly, that approach doesn’t usually yield the results people are after.

We got to where we are in life because of the decisions we’ve made. It’s why better planning leads to better action, which leads to better outcomes, which leads to the success and happiness you’re chasing.

It’s always the people who are most frantic and out of control that resist planning their weeks and their days.

Why do we resist?

In my experience it’s because taking a closer look at what’s on your plate forces you to choose what’s important, and that can be really uncomfortable.

It might seem easier not to plan, not to look, and just go hell-for-leather blaming everything else when things don’t work out. No difficult choices to be made.

If you haven't planned your week and your day by the time you read this post, just notice how that choice is making you feel. Are you happy with the chaos?

Maybe it’s time to start planning.